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A Preview of walkSTEM in the Dallas Arts District – coming soon in March 2017!


Here is a sneak peek of walkSTEM, a community outreach and teacher development program involving going on a special kind of walk – a math walk.  Our very first math walk will be with Dr. Glen Whitney, Founder and President of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City (it is the ONLY math museum in the US) in our very own Dallas Arts District.  Did you know that this is the largest contiguous arts district in the country?  Also, according an article in the Atlantic magazine in 2015, it is the area with the greatest concentration of design by the highest level of architects.  You know there has got to be a lot of fascinating math embedded in the District with the greatest US architecture per square mile!

On Pi Day, March 14, 2017, walkSTEM @ the Dallas Arts District will launch.  To celebrate, we will host our Pi Day Festival at Sammons Park in front of the Winspear Opera House at the AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas. Stay tuned for more information and see you at Sammons Park in the spring!  Make sure you are signed up as a subscriber to talkSTEM’s newsletter to watch more short videos of Glen pointing out some fascinating connections with the mathematics that is very much alive in our city.

Watch the video below to see Glen give us a preview of what’s in store in March and show us how math is an integral part of our surroundings.  Find ways to engage your kids or students with the math in their surroundings.  Can you design a math walk with them?  We invite you to join the walkSTEM movement and look at your environment through “math-y” eyes.  Share what you came up with here – we’d love to hear about it, or better yet see it if you have photos or video to share!

The post A Preview of walkSTEM in the Dallas Arts District – coming soon in March 2017! appeared first on talkSTEM.

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