Here I am at the SXSW Edu conference in Austin, TX wearing my cloud pin – thanks to PAC (Progressive Arts Alliance)Materials: acrylic holders, battery, copper tape, LED lights, novcircuits
Here are some of my favorite things at the SXSW Edu “Playground” – which is where I went directly after checking into my hotel a few hours ago.
Add some hot glue and fuzzy stuff, and you have the final product, my LED-lit up, cloud pin.
Ardusat: this is a scale model of real satellites that kids can gather data from and do experiments withArdusat has sensors kids can do on Earth too
movement and infrared temperature changes recorded instantly on the screen when using the ardusat sensorsNova’s been busy. Check out: Six free interactive on energy, clouds, evolution, cybersecurity, etc.New York Hall of Science: Noticing Tools Five fun apps for teachers, parents, and kids to interact with to learn about playground physics, fractions, and more. noticing.nysci.orgGame Salad: fun game maker that looks very intuitiveEinstein’s Workshop: Really simple yet creative programming and 3D printing