Here’s wishing the talkSTEM community a Happy Thanksgiving. I am grateful to each of you, to your interest in the doing and learning of STEM education.
Please visit our Facebook page and/or follow us on twitter to hear about ways in which STEM works for Social Good. Add your links and stories around this theme over the holiday season.
I am sharing UNICEF’s Principles for Innovation and Technology in Development because, as I enjoy the Thanksgiving break with my family, I’d like to keep in my family’s mind the idea that helping others – near and far – remains a goal for our communities. In the toolbox we call STEM and in each other, we can find some amazing resources. Please click on the UNICEF link to read the full explanation of each principle in the list below:
1. Design with the User 2. Understand the Existing Ecosystem 3. Design for Scale 4. Build for Sustainability
5. Be Data Driven 6. Use Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation 7. Reuse and Improve
8. Address Privacy & Security 9. Be Collaborative
We will also be sharing fun and creative Thanksgiving-themed activities for families to do on our Facebook page so visit us over the next week. We will be choosing easy to do (think minimal bits and pieces and low cost) activities. You can always tweak them to make them your own. Please share your versions of these or other family STEM-related Thanksgiving activities with us!